Registration period has ended
Water Supply Planning Seminar and Annual Luncheon

Duke Farms
1112 Dukes Parkway West
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm - Welcome & Luncheon
12:30 pm - 12:55 pm - NJ-AWRA Chapter Announcements
12:55 pm - 2:00 pm - Water Supply Planning Seminar
presented by:
Jeffrey Hoffman & Dr. Daniel Van Abs
- Member Registration: Free (don't forget to renew for 2018!)
- Non-member Registration: $15
This Seminar is eligible for 1 hour NJ PE self-reporting credit and 1 CPWM credit.
Abstract: NJDEP's long-awaited Statewide Water Supply Plan revision has been finalized. What does this mean for planners, engineers, and other water professionals? What is the Plan and how can it be applied to actual projects? New Jersey State Geologist Jeffrey Hoffman and Dr. Daniel Van Abs (Associate Professor of Practice for Water, Society and Environment at Rutgers University) will provide a one hour Water Supply Planning orientation for professionals.
Dan Van Abs is an Associate Professor of Practice for Water, Society & Environment at Rutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Department of Human Ecology, where he has worked since 2012. He holds a B.S. in Environmental Studies from Rutgers University, Cook College, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from SUNY-College of Environmental Science and Forestry in association with Syracuse University. He is a licensed Professional Planner in New Jersey, and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He has served as a gubernatorial appointee to the New Jersey Clean Water Council since 2005 and was Chair in 2014-2015. Dr. Van Abs was Senior Director for Planning & Science with the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council (NJ) from 2007 to 2012. Prior to joining the Council, he served as Director of Watershed Protection Programs for the New Jersey Water Supply Authority for more than eight years, creating and managing an extensive source water protection program for the Raritan and Manasquan River watersheds. For six years, he was Assistant Administrator of the Office of Environmental Planning, with responsibilities for statewide water resources planning along with administrative management. During that time he was responsible for the NJ Ground Water Quality Standards, the NJ Well Head Protection Program Plan, and the NJ Statewide Water Supply Plan.
Jeffrey L. Hoffman is the New Jersey State Geologist and an Assistant Director in NJDEP's Division of Water Supply and Geosciences. His primary responsibilities are overseeing the work of the New Jersey Geological and Water Survey and the Bureau of Water Allocation and Well Permitting. Before becoming State Geologist, Mr. Hoffman was head of the Water Supply Modeling and Planning Section. Mr. Hoffman is a registered professional geologist, and has an undergraduate degree in geological sciences from The Pennsylvania State University and a Masters in water resources from Princeton University. Mr. Hoffman has more than 34 years of experience working for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Mr. Hoffman has researched water-supply and drought issues in New Jersey and has participated in the planning, performance, and analysis of aquifer tests designed to determine safe yields from the State's groundwater supplies. He has also been involved in the development and evaluation of numerical groundwater resource-evaluation models. He has given numerous presentations to municipal, public, and industrial groups throughout New Jersey on watersheds, groundwater, drought, and other water-resource issues. In 2000, Mr. Hoffman was recognized with a State of New Jersey Exceptional Service Award.