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New Jersey Section of American Water Resources Association (NJ-AWRA)

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Call for Stormwater BMP Fact Sheets

In an effort to gather and disseminate information on stormwater best management practices (BMPs), the New Jersey Section of the American Water Resources Association (NJ-AWRA) developed a template for stormwater BMP project fact sheets that can be used to summarize information on constructed stormwater BMP facilities.  In our initial call for fact sheets, we received a number of submissions that spanned a wide variety of BMP types, from large wet ponds to small rain gardens.  The accepted stormwater BMP fact sheets have been published on the NJ-AWRA website.

Moving forward, we will be accepting submissions of project fact sheets on a rolling basis.  The fact sheets are intended to provide the membership and public with a wide-range of real-world examples of implemented stormwater management facilities.  The following is a list of typical stormwater BMPs that have been constructed in New Jersey:

        • Detention Basins
        • Wet Ponds
        • Dry Wells
        • Infiltration Basins
        • Bioretention Systems
        • Constructed Stormwater Wetlands
        • Pervious Paving
        • Green Roofs
        • Sand Filters
        • Vegetative Filters/Filter Strips
        • Water Quality Swales
        • Stormwater Harvesting (Cisterns and Rain Barrels)
        • Underground Detention and Infiltration

This list should not be considered all-inclusive, and other types of BMPs are encouraged to be submitted.  The project fact sheet should be submitted using the provided template in MS Word or a compatible format.  Photographs (both during and post-construction) are encouraged and should be inserted in the locations indicated on the template.  Only contact information for the project team and partners should be entered in the “Contact Information” box.

Submission procedure:  Please email all fact sheets and any questions or comments to Brian Friedlich, NJ-AWRA Stormwater Committee Chair at

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