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New Jersey Section of American Water Resources Association (NJ-AWRA)

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The New Jersey Section of the American Water Resources Association (NJ-AWRA)
The 2018 Excellence in Water Resources Management Awardee

Garrison Memorial Park Stormwater Project

Primary Partners: ANJEC, Woodstown Borough, Rutgers, Woodstown-Pilesgrove Joint Environmental Commission, NFWF

Location: Russell G. Garrison Memorial Park, Woodstown, Salem County, NJ

The Garrison Park Raingardens Project, submitted by ANJEC, was recognized for excellence in Stormwater Management. ANJEC and its collaborators expanded and updated the Garrison Memorial Park and Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Woodstown, NJ with a number of environmental improvements to help reduce flooding and improve water quality. The site is adjacent to the Salem River, there was no designated parking area, and tractor trailer trucks were parking on-site despite a rest-stop located one mile away. There was a great deal of compaction and ruts created by the trucks, which led to flooding and ponding in the park and spilling into the road (Route 40/Main St.). Partners constructed a 1,000 square foot rain garden containing 400 native plants and they installed a 1,500 square foot porous asphalt parking area with strip rain gardens surrounding the new parking area. The plantings design of the parking area prevents tractor trailers from using the space, making it available once again to community visitors.

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